Rhythmic Fingerwork: Instruction in Technique for the Highland Bagpipe


Rhythmic Fingerwork is a comprehensive instructional guide for mastering the technique of playing the Highland Bagpipe. This book covers essential finger exercises, drills, and tips to improve dexterity and precision. Key features include detailed explanations, clear illustrations, and practice routines to help players develop their skills. The benefits of using this guide include improved finger coordination, increased speed, and enhanced musical expression. Its unique selling points are its focus on fingerwork specifically for the Highland Bagpipe and its user-friendly format for players of all levels.



Rhythmic Fingerwork: Instruction in Technique for the Highland Bagpipe



A manual of 141 practical exercises from one of the world’s leading pipers.

Publisher no longer makes the CD-ROM — all lesson audio files can now be downloaded from the URL given on the bottom of page 1